Žiaci odboru chemická informatika absolvovali odbornú stáž vo Fínsku

Chemici absolvovali dvojtýždňovú odbornú stáž vo Fínsku, v rámci programu Eramus 1. Počas stáže žiaci spoznali školu, laboratória, mesto, ale aj veľkú časť Fínska a veľa príjemných ľudí. Komunikačným jazykom bola samozrejme angličtina, takze Matúš, Marika, Soňa a Slávka informujú o priebehu stáže takto:
Our last two weeks we spent in Finland in city called Kokkola. We worked in school laboratory with Mari, our coordinator, where we repeated our knowledge, but also learned something new. Our experiments were based of organic and anorganic chemistry, we also did some analytical experiments. Some days we had IT classes where we learned about drones. We also had the chance to try flying with them. In our free time we tried to get to know the Kokkola as much as we could. At the weekend we also visited Rovaniemi in Lapland. Last day we spent in Helsinki. After 2 weeks we saw a lot in Finland - school in Kokkola,Rovaniemi in Lapland and Helsinki, but also met very nice people. We wanted to thank all the teacher that teached us, coordinator Heidi and tutor Mari.
